Thursday, January 22, 2015

Make his heart skip a beat!

Valentine's Day special is now available for spray tans! 
Click on the "Promotions" tab for more details.
Un spécial pour la Saint-Valentin est désormais disponible pour les bronzages sprays! Cliquez sur l'onglet "Promotions" pour plus de détails.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Instagram Posts!!!

I would love for you to check out my Instagram page (@alexandrapimentelbeauty) for some Tanspiration!

Here are a few recent posts that I hope you enjoy!


xo Alexandra

P.S.: Don't forget to book your Winter glow!
E-mail: or Call: 514.795.3420

The cold weather has you feeling lusterless? Book a spray tan ASAP and get your glow on!

Everything looks better with a spray tan!!
I personally love to rock gold jewelry & pink nails against tanned skin; what's your go-to look?

How amazing are these flash tattoos?! I'm crushing hard!!!

It's Tanspiration Thursday!
Tanned skin makes jewelry and soft colored fabrics pop!
Get your spray tan today; book now!

Celebs rock a spray tan for many events: red carpets, premieres, photo shoots, ...
I personally think Kate Hudson always looks fab!
Good news is you can also sport a gorgeous glow by getting a high quality spray tan from a certified tech!
Book with me today!